- Livelihood 生计、生活
- Legacy 遗产= Bequest
- The Wayne legacy is more than bricks砖瓦 and mortar水泥.
- Your father left us nothing but a legacy of bad debts hidden by a good name.
- It’s the legacy of my people.
- Lethargic 无精打采的
- Such lethargic creatures.
- It makes people lazy and lethargic.
- Paris on Sunday is almost as lethargic as London.
- Lily pad 睡莲: I was floating on a lily pad.
- Vowel 元音: You speak only in vowel.
- Vigilant 警觉地 = Observant: Of course, Sylvia brought this on herself by her lack of vigilance.
- Vigilance警惕n. : We must remember that vigilance is the price of safety,
- Vehement 激烈的、热情的
- But many scientist vehemently disagree.
- Vehement is solid.
- Perhaps you chastised her too vehemently.
- Virtuous 善良的、有道德的
- Vital 生气勃勃的 Vitalize 激发、给予生命: Vital signs are normal.
- Vibrant震动的、充满生命的、响亮的 = Vivid 生动的、清晰地
- Vexe 烦恼、迷惑
- It vexes me.
- Vex is a favorite of dark elders.
- What vexes all men?
- I don’t entertain hypothetical. 假设, the world as its vexing enough.
- Latrine 公用厕所: I used the office’s latrine.
- Linger 逗留、徘徊
- Why do you linger in the shadows.
- What kind of army would linger in such a place?
- Limp 跛行、无生气的、无力地 = Hobble
- He goes as limp as a bonded fish.
- Gotham has limped on ever since.
- He had a limp.
- Liberate 解放: This is the instrument of your liberation.
- Latent 潜在的、指纹
- Paul, you did call him a latent homosexual. 同性恋者
- You probably thought families that was some form f latent hostility.
- The latent desires of the prefect.
- Abatement废除 Accountable 负有责任的、可解释的 = Responsible
- Amateur 业余爱好者= Novice: not professional
- An accomplished amateur magician
- I’d hate to think I had amateur in my house.
- Abridge 减少 = Shorten
- The abridged version
- Abridge the freedom of speech
- Avocation 爱好= Hobby
- Ornithology鸟类 happens by my avocation.
- This has become my avocation.
- His avocation was gaming.
- Ambush 伏击 = Assault攻击
- They are waiting to ambush the team coming up the elevator.
- Why the hell were we ambushed?
- Ambush the next company?
- Abrogate 废除= Abolish = Suppress = Terminate = Abatement
- The constitution宪法 is abrogated.
- Abolish slavery
- Archaic 古代的、陈旧的 = Antiquated = Old, old-fashioned, outdated
- Antique: a collectible object what has a high value because of its considerable age.
- Antiquity : the ancient past 古代、古迹、古代
- Antibody 抗体 Apparel 一股、外观
- Apprehension 不安、拘捕
- Our intention was to approach you after your apprehension in New York.
- The state is set, the night moist with apprehension.
- But instead of apprehension and interrogation审问, they were slaughtered屠杀.
- Astrophysics 天体物理学 Amiss出错的、不恰当的 = Wrong
- Disrupt 混乱、破坏
- Batman has a talent for disruption.
- If it leaves with him on it, it will disrupt production.
- I don’t like to see the patients disrupting their rooms.
- Cause if you disrupt my plans, I will have no further use for you.
- Sorry about the disruption.
- Apex剪短、顶峰 = Top
- Clip 修剪the apex.
- Aim for the apex.
- The moon rises to its apex.
- Adrift 漂泊的、随波逐流的
- The human race is going to be adrift.
- But one of the ships did pick up a man adrift at sea.
- My ship was found adrift.
- Attentive 细心的、殷勤的
- This was thanks in part to attentive middle managers.
- Aggression 侵略
- You lay on your back and let her take out that aggression on you.
- An undeclared act of aggression.
- Atheist无神论者 Atheism无神论
- Vocation职业= Occupation
- Antagonize敌对: cause someone to become hostile敌对
- Antagonist: a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone.
- Do you just do it to antagonize people?
- Everybody stop antagonizing my guests.
- Keep antagonize me, watch what happens.
- Antonym: opposite meaning Arcane神秘的= Mysterious
- Amicable = Friendliness
- Their divorce was amicable.
- Ameliorate = Mend = make something better
- Ameliorate disease/policy /violence
- Frown 皱眉头
- Look at this frown on your face.
- He thinks I smile too much. He’d rather you frowned?
- Foreman 工头、领班
- Fragility 脆弱性 = Delicacy= Brittle
- My hair is brittle and my skin is dry.
- Don’t hurt me, I am brittle.
- It’s small and brittle.
- The fragility of crystal is not a weakness but a fineness. 精致的
- But this incident with John made me realize the fragility of all this.
- Foreclose 排除、关闭、取消: The bank closed a couple days ago.
- Firmness 坚固的、坚定地 = Sturdiness 坚固
- Let me show you the firmness of my beliefs.
- I want a firm commitment.
- I want a firm date, and I want it early.
- Befriend = act as a friend to sb by offering help or support. = Tend = Facilitate= Help照顾、帮助
- By facilitating the process of transition,
- Was this one of the facilitators?
- Colonel, I am sorry, but we cannot facilitate.
- Feint 佯攻、声东击西
- I shall make a feint to the northeast…
- I pretended to be deceived by the feint.
- Falseness 虚伪、不忠实
- False is the men’s eyes.
- There’s falseness in his voice!
- We had that false alarm.
- Fondle 爱抚、抚弄 = Handle
- Fondle first, talk later.
- It was wrong of me to fondle Mrs. Miller’s breast.
- I let you fondle my chest, and it was a glorious moment for me.
- Furious 狂怒的、激烈的
- With great vengeance报复 and furious anger.
- Look how mad they are! Furious!
- It makes furious to this day!
- Fiscal 财务的
- Now that I am fiscally secure.
- This is a direct result of significant fiscal mismanagement.
- In the last fiscal year…
- Impose 强加、利用: sentence imposed by a judge in good standing in this state.
- Influx 流入、汇入:
- A sudden influx of money.
- The recent influx of immigrants.
- Inexorable 无情的、铁面无私的
- Inexorable death
- And the elegant means inexorable to her end.
- An inexorable logic
- Invincible 无敌的、不可战胜的
- Together, you are invincible
- Spiderman is all but invincible
- The glory of invincibility
- Impart 传授、告知、给予: Allow me to impart a word to the wise
- Intermittent 间歇性的 Intermit 中断
- It was only intermittently effective
- Intermittent heavy rain has been forecast. 预测
- Sir, we have a small intermittent contact.
- Baritone 男中音、上低音乐器
- The Baritone was a guy named Kip Diskin.
- Sixteen baritone bass singers.
- And you’re the only baritone in the elf choir. 合唱团
- Benison = A blessing; Anatomy: Curse
- Beneficent = Mercy = Amicable = Kind: generous or doing good 行善的、慈爱的
- Boast = Brag
- I am just bragging about you.
- Can’t I brag about my little sister?
- I am not one to brag.
- My, my, my, what boasting.
- If the ship’s as fast as he’s boasting, we ought to do well.
- Nothing to boast off.
- No other creature can make such a boast.
- He was ashamed of his boasting.
- Bore = Burrow 挖洞 = Nestle = A hole or tunnel
- I think its burrow is two blocks down.
- The burrow to a depth of 100 meters.
- Bogus = Fake 假冒的、伪造的
- This thing is bogus.
- His background information was bogus.
- Write a bogus death certificate.
- Bewilder迷惑 cause sb confused
- You are not bewildered, you are afraid.
- It’s tricky and bewildering.
- She looks around, bewildered, seeming to want something.
- Booklet 小册子: a blue booklet
- Bolt down 狼吞虎咽 Bolt 螺旋钉、闪电、弓弩、筛选、拴住
- Anything that’s not bolted down goes overboard.
- He brings the bolt down.
- Anything not bolted sown toss it out.
- Bilateral 两侧的
- Budding 发芽、开始发育 = Developing
- Biography 传记、档案、个人简介: Is that the Teddy Roosevelt Biography?
- Brass 黄铜: The legend of the brass teapot.
- Buffoon = Clown 傻瓜、小丑 You buffoon! Don’t waste food like that.
- Bullock = Ox 牛
- Bibliography 文献、节目
- Burnish = Polish 擦亮、光泽
- Burnished sunset.
- You will be burnished
- To see his reputation burnished.
- Brusque 唐突的= Concise 简约的
- I apologize for being brusque.
- Oh, it was rather brusque.
Monday, May 30, 2016
Learn English with ASVAB Word Preparation PART 2
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