Monday, May 23, 2016


Abstract = Theoretical, lacking substance = Also a brief summary of a scholarly article 
Acrid刺鼻的; 尖刻的; 刻薄的= Sharp to the taste or small
Acute尖锐的; 敏感的; 剧烈的; 急性的 = Sharp = Shrewd [ʃru:d] 精明的; 狡猾的 
Adamant坚定不移; 坚硬无比= Unyielding倔强; 坚硬; 不屈的
Adept擅长于= Skilled = Adroit熟练的= Skillful
Aesthetic = having to do with beauty
Agile灵活= Nimble敏捷的
Ambidextrous非常灵巧的; 左右手都灵= equally skilled at using both hands
Ambiguous模棱两可; 含糊= unclearing in meaning, confusing
Ambivalent拿不定主意; 矛盾= Undecided
Amiable [ˈemiəbəl] = friendly
Animated活生生的, 有生气, 动画(片)的; = alive, lively; can also refer to TV/ Movie cartoons
Apprehensive忧虑的; 惶惑; 有理解力= worried, anxious
Apt恰当的 = Suitable
Aquatic = living in water; an event or activity performed in or on the water.
Ardent炽热的, 热心= passionate
Arrogant傲慢的, 自大= overly proud
Articulate善于表达= Able to express oneself clearly
Ascetic苦行的, 禁欲的 = Austere朴素的, 简朴 self – denying
Astute机敏的,精明= shrewd精明的, 敏锐
Auspicious 吉利的; 有前途的; 有希望的 = Favorable (circumstances) 有利的; 赞同的; 称赞
Austere朴素, 严峻= Harsh
Authentic真正的; 可信= Genuine真正的; 坦率
Authoritarian = Ruling by force or higher position
Auxiliary辅助的; 备用= Helping
Banal平庸的; 陈腐的= Unoriginal, boring
Barren贫瘠= unfruitful徒然
Belligerent好战的; 交战= quarrelsome好争吵= combative好斗的; 斗志旺盛的;
Benevolent乐善好施的; 慈善= king, generous
Benign温和的,仁慈= gentle, not harmful
Bizarre离奇的; 奇怪= strange, extremely unusual
Bland温和的,和蔼的       Blatant明目张胆的             Blithe无忧无虑的; 轻率
Boisterous喧闹的              Brusque唐突; 莽撞
Callous铁石心肠的,无情= unfeeling
Candid偷拍的; 公正= Honest = Frank坦白的,直率
Casual = offhand不礼貌的,简慢的 = not formal

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