- Volts伏特 - Pressure 电压U /Electromotive Force:电场中两点电势的差值。
- Amperes 安培 – Number of electrons current- 电流 I
- - 1 coulomb per second.
- - I= Q电荷量库伦/T通过导体的时间
- Ohm 欧姆 – 电阻单位Resistance – Opposite flow of electrons.
- I电流= U电压/R 电阻
- Amperes = Voltage / Resistance
- Amperes = Watt/ Volt
- 当1V 电压的两端,通过1A 时, 电路电阻1R
- Insulator 绝缘体(Rubber、Wood) Conductor导体(Copper 铜、Water)
- Watt-功率- Power- 1 J/S1焦耳、秒
- Watt = Volt*Ohm Power = U 电压*Resistance
- F 功 – Work – 焦耳 J
- Frequency – 电流转换的频率 – Hz 赫兹- 1 complete cycle per secondImpedance 阻抗- F/ Current
AC – Alternating Current - 电流向不确定
Cell电池- 1 cell = 1.5 volt
Battery = 2 or more cells
- convert electrical energy to kinetic

- Electromagnetic – induction感应器 usually has iron in its core.
- 8 diodes in a bridge rectifier.桥式整流器
- When current flows through a wire, the following influences are present voltage, ohms, amper.
- Milli-henry毫亨---电感单位Inductor
- Radar operate at frequencies as high as 100,000 MHZ.
- Radio waves travel at the speed of light.
- Changing AC to DC is rectification整流、矫正.
- Insulated fitting 绝缘体can be used to splice结合soldering the wires together.
- Serial cable连续的电缆, 9 wires do serial cables used on computer.
- 60 Watt / 120 Volts = 0.5 Ampere
- No.12 Wire is smaller in diameter compared to No.6 Wire.
- A fuse with a higher-than- required rating may not work properly.
- Natural wire is whitish or natural.
- Conventional Current: from + to –
- Electricity Flows: from – to +
- Amplifier扩音器:三角形
- Heater: converts electrical energy to heat
- Bell and Buzzer汽笛: convert electrical energy to sound
- Inductor感应器: 电能转化为磁能储存起来
- Capacitor 电容器:容纳电荷store electricity. Capacitor connect it parallel. Capacitor oppose any change in voltage.
- Diode 二极管:单一方向流动、反向时阻断。
- Transistor晶体管:可变电流开关,通过输入电压控制输出电流
- Antenna天线
- Relay继电器:具有隔离功能的自动开关元件
- Operate Incandescent light bulb 白炽灯at less than its rated voltage, the bulb will burn dimmer 暗and last longer.
- Circuit 巡回
- At same current, 6mm wire required less voltage than 3mm wire.
- DC Motor has Armature电枢, Field Poles极点 and Yoke架.
- Rotor bars 电磁棒is AC induction motors感应电动器
- Current passed through a muscle causes it contract.
- RMS- Root Mean Square
- In a closed electrical circuit, one terminal端点 is always positive and one is negative.
- Television broadcast standard used in USA is NTSC.
- A circuit breaker trips错误、倾斜, find the operating handle half way between on and off.
- 12 AWG has the smallest wire compared with 10 AWG and 4 AWG. Smaller the wire, larger the number.
- 1 Path of electrical flow can be found in a series circuit.
- Low potential: 600 watts or less.
- The ground wire is always green.
- Oscillator振荡器: circuit produce high frequency AC.
- Plug an appliance designed for AC into DC, appliance will produce excessive heat.
- Transformer: increase or decrease AC Voltage.
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