- We are also racing headlong towards disaster.
- Headlong into the unknown?
- Driving Headlong
Cursory草率的 = Superficial肤浅的、缺乏深度的
- That was cursory. It’s a cursory examination.
- I am assuming the author has a cursory knowledge of the city.
Terse = Brevity
Sturdy坚固的 = Well-built
- It was a sturdy table.
- They are sturdy wings.
- Something to suit your style, but sturdy enough for the forty miles round trip.
- Impertinence manner
- He will consider it an impertinence.
- People often think I am tactless and rude.
- I was dull and gauche.
- Your persistence surprises even me.
- If you are hit, don’t stop. Your persistent will discourage your attackers.
- You are persistent, aren’t you?
- Change begins with persistence and commitment.
- I returned to that huge incoherent house once more.
- Incoherent thoughts and images, nothing more.
- Doesn’t this seem superfluous?
- A completely superfluous figure.
- They consider knowledge to be superfluous.
- Debris that used to be your furniture and personal effects.
- The midtown tunnel’s blocked by debris.
- There was debris everywhere.
- · We can see hundreds of UFO fanatics.
- · There are too many fanatics out there.
- · Stop it, you zealot!
- · Can you get a message to the scientist and his zealot girlfriend?
- · Never to be too strict, too rigid, with the application to our laws.
- · Rigid Security
- · You become the next sentinel.
- · The sentinel is nothing but a legend.
- · Watch Guard
- · His every victory is an act of defiance.
- · When did defiance become an option in this house?
- · The chastisement that awaits me in hell is far more severe and lasting.
- · Before you chastise these officers, there’s something you should know.
- · Perhaps, you chastised her too vehemently.
- · Finite Match
- · There’s a finite amount of memory.
- · A physical wound is finite.
- · The rules of hair care are simple and finite.
- · The Public Weal
- · For Weal or Woe悲哀
- · The woman whose green eyes are limpid pools of desire.
- · Limpid jets of love
- · The water is limpid
- · Contemptuous Gesture
- · It makes men contemptuous and unjust.
- · You scorned me.
- · It was hot, hateful scorn.
- · We scorn discriminatory practices.
Amateur = Novice
- · Amateur Magician
- · The Fallacious of Hope
- · It’s a fallacy that prolonged war will weaken an occupied enemy.
Proclivity 倾向、癖好= Predisposition 倾向、素质
- · Proclivity for violence.
- · Predisposition to any inheritable diseases.
- · You can see the hypocrisy in that, can you?
- We both are part of the same hypocrisy.
- · I defrauded a major corporation.
- · Have you ever defrauded or attempted to defraud the gaming industry.
- · I don’t do mulct.
- · Edible gaming bear drugs
- · The legacy of my people.
- · I’m stuck with Sir. Kvetch –a-lot.
- · And they kvetched about the Atlantic City Job.
- · If I can’t kvetch, I can’t do my job.
- · A very ludic side
- · You are in a playful mood心情.
- · The succinct scenes. 景色, 背景
- · Her few comments to the press included a succinct summary of her views on capital punishment.
- · I am getting plump.
- · They say she’s plump.
- · This incredible charisma.
- · I guess charisma and eye line goes a long way.
- They will be ostracized from both school and home.
- The Chasm of Death
- They found a cave, a rare chasm that brought them here from their world.
- Way worn travelers
- Behavior are congruent with their expectations.
- Your deception was obvious
- They debouch their contents into the river.
- Another will emerge.
- Tax Exemption
- Only one man was exempt from my disgust. 厌恶、嫌恶 that exempts you from the fashion industry.
- An ephemeral life
- It’s an inciting incident.
- Inciting prostitution 卖淫 , kidnapping, extortion敲诈…
- There was no subterfuge.
- I came over here with no subterfuge.
- I apologies for the subterfuge.
- You prevail!
- We must have alliance with England to prevail here.
- Justice does not always prevail.
- I was just concocting this very plan.
- We can’t concoct a major operation.
- Well, I am sorry to disappoint my spectators, but…
- Crowd 人群: a crowd of spectators has gathered.
- A good-paying menial labor job.
- He was crimson with his blood.
- The commodity was sold.
- A plenary indulgence放纵.
- A plenary meeting.
- A plenary session.
- There’s been speculations that I was involved in the events.
- You are full of opinions on speculations.
- I’ve often speculated on why you don’t return to America.
- It’s a huge mistake to theorize before one has data.
- It was previously theorized.
- You certain or just theorizing?
- Hold accountable if there’s a problem.
- Beneficent Society
- The court will hold in abeyance.
- This is an order of suspension.
- The suspension of your sentence.
- Deplorable 可悲的
- He deplores the incident but accepts our apologies.
- It’s deplorable but true.
- I need a sharp paring knife and a bottle of vodka.
- Local authorities must pare their budgets.
Listless 倦怠的 = Lazy = Lackadaisical = Inattentive 漫不经心的 = Lethargic
- Do you have that listless feeling?
- My heart is listless without you.
- Listless and Lethargic无精打采的
- Lackadaisical attitude/manners
Yearn 渴望= Long
- Yearn to be king
- Private property cannot be confiscated.
- This project has completely confiscated my life.
- I don’t ask you your pardon.
- Begging your pardon, but they haven’t.
- The emperor pardons him.
- Pardon me for asking…
- Strident, lively tune曲调
- He’s become strident and rigid.
- He walks into a bank with a portable phone.
- You dull creature.
- It will dull your pain.
- This made his point fairly eloquent.
- I am going back to listen to his father’s eloquent discourse论述、演讲 on…
- Eloquent in its brevity.
- Your cohorts are already in pajamas.
- Who are the people in cohorts with you?
- We are just living in a pretense.
- I went to her house on the pretense of buying her car.
- Can you drop all this pretense?
- Perhaps we can do without the pretense of the missing child now.
- Policy Amelioration
- Ameliorate disease
- Ameliorate your situation
- killing the indigenous looks bad.
- Her lavished affection on her, there’s no doubt about that.
- Some of most lavish castles in the continent.
- Wasn’t there anyone else there to lavish you with attention?
Portable Water.
Some indigenous tribes部落and
Portable Water.
Some indigenous tribes部落and
Eldritch可怕的、怪异的 = Strange: Eldritch Creature
Acerbic酸的、尖酸刻薄的 = Sharp = Acute = Keen
- His acerbic but observant diaries.
- My sense of smell was keener, my hearing more acute.
Flagrant 明目张胆的、声名远扬的=
Glaring 显眼的、耀眼的
- This attitude and flagrant disregard 忽视for policy is going to end now.
- The world community of nations cannot tolerate this kind of flagrant deception欺骗.
Magnitude 巨大、重大 = Importance
Enmity 敌意= Hatred
- This is not an enmity.
- There’s a long history of ethnic enmity.
Encore = Repetition
Avocation 喜好= Hobby
Assimilate吸收 = Absorb: Assimilate new races
Fort 堡垒= Garrison守卫
- The old fort is abandoned.
- If the river is taken, if the garrison falls…..
- It would be unfortunate if I had to leave a garrison here.
Philomath 爱学问的人= Scholar
Precocious 早熟的= Smart: Precocious little daughter
Hesitation犹豫 = Pause暂停、犹豫
- We must be fought without hesitation, without pity.
- But I will not hesitate.
- Don not hesitate. Show no mercy.
Emit发射 = Give off
- Emit the right signals.
- It’s giving of fits own energy.
Chimera 幻想= Enigma迷、不可解的事情 = Mirage
- He was a chimera.
- My name is enigma.
Clemency 宽容、仁慈= Mercy
- I granted you clemency.
- Clemency will be our weapon.
- I pleaded for clemency.
Puerile 幼稚的 = Childish
- A puerile brain.
- That was truly puerile.
- Puerile revenge, but effective nonetheless尽管如此、但是.
Abhorrent令人生厌的 = Offensive
- In that interview, Paul made it a point to frequently note how he find discrimination “abhorrent”
Solicitous 热切的、挂念的 = Careful: In a concerned and solicitous manner.
Umbrage = Injury
Contravene = Obstruct: It contravenes the group rules.
Gullible 易受骗的 = Susceptible易受影响的; 易受感染的;
- But to believe a married couple never got down, that’s just plain gullible.
- So gullible. Bring her here.
Arcanum 秘方= Secret
Conveyed = Transported
Commission = Authorize
Regale = Pleasure: I’ve never seen a more beautiful, elegant and regale
Customary = Nomic
Contend = Vie: A leading contender contend with others
Penchant = Interest
Curse = Benison: Their beauty is their curse.
Misdemeanor = Petty Crime: Misdemeanor was still a crime
Goad 刺激= Incite: You are trying to goad me into revealing information.
Ardent 炽热的 = Passionate: Ardent admirers/fans/lovers
Recapitulate 总结= Summary: Recapitulate the situation
Amiss = Wrong
Isochronous 同步的= Equal
Illustrious 杰出的=
Famous: The old place has had an
illustrious past.
Ridicule嘲笑 =
Laudable 值得称赞的=
- A laudable decision
- You talk is all well and good, but your own past if far from laudable
Raffish 放荡的=
Expensive: Handsome, I suppose… in a raffish
sort of way..
Fantastic怪诞的; 极好的=
Dulcet悦耳的、美妙的 = Harmonious
- My dulcet darling
- Thought we heard you dulcet tones.
Null = Zero: The plan becomes null
and void无效.
Extraneous无关的、外来的 = Outside
- It seemed extraneous at the time.
- Actually, I am highly logical, which allows me to look past extraneous detail.
Hemorrhage 大出血 = Loss
- He was hemorrhaging internally.
- There’s no sign of fracture or hemorrhage in your skull.